In my neck of the woods, we are the hub for Simulation, Modeling, and Training for our warfighters. We have a large and impressive presence of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, all working collectively to move the needle and create what is needed, when it’s needed, for our men and women currently serving in each branch.  


Recently, I have been fortunate enough to attend a Change of Command ceremony, and many in-person events for the work being done here, and have very much enjoyed the camaraderie we have so missed in the last year! But what has made the biggest impact on me and caused me to pause the most is the sentiment across the board that things need to change and we can do better! 


The leaders that have moved on are leaving big shoes to fill and no doubt will be missed. But the course they established is all about changing the status quo, learning new ways of thinking and performing tasks, utilizing new technologies, and working together across all of the branches to upgrade and create better tools for today’s military. That is what it is all about–not what industry thinks is best, not doing things the way they’ve always been done. We need to include commercial ingenuity and encourage more private businesses to help us stay ahead of our adversaries in areas like technology and cybersecurity. We can do better!


Small businesses will be tasked with helping revamp, rebuild, and renew our physical and virtual construction and infrastructure. It will be paramount for these businesses to not only be able to engage with the agencies in need of their services and technology, but also have access to the funding to be successful.


We need to arm our forces with what they need, when they need it, and trust the leadership to engage private businesses in answering the call for new technology and advancements. With their help, we can do better!


Technology, cybersecurity, and construction industries are being given the most opportunities in today’s contract awards. Existing government contractors will need to upgrade their services and products if they want to stay ahead of the growth within the commercial sector.


With “industry days” being commonplace now for the military to interact with the newest and the best and offer access to contract awards, the “big dogs” will inevitably see a changing of the guard. We can’t rely on what long-term insiders have always done any longer. If we are going to continue to be the world’s only and strongest Super Power, we will need to engage with better technology to protect our country and national interests across the board. We can do better!


Fortunately, we have the best and strongest military in the world protecting us and walking the wall while we sleep. An all-volunteer force that chooses to protect and defend all of us; with no political affiliation or partisan influence. It is the purest form of service. We owe it to the men and women who serve to arm them with the best and most effective tools necessary for their mission. We can and we will do better if we all work together! 


May God continue to bless the United States of America!