It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others. ~Zen Proverb

Learning from your mistakes is tantamount to your success. Listening to the experiences of those who have journeyed along a similar path before you, and using their knowledge of the terrain will undoubtedly stimulate growth for you both personally and professionally. While at a conference this past week with the team from Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), I listened to a panel discussion that had 3 growing WOSB leaders who shared their experiences and also some sage wisdom for the audience. What stuck out to me was that growth can be obtained by learning from the mistakes of others equally as much as from your own challenges. The only thing that lies between your period of struggle and the success you desire, is knowledge. A commitment to learning can and will benefit you more than anything else, and we are wise to share with each other our experiences and promote growth and success for the collective whole.

Some takeaways from the day that will stick with me:

  • You don’t have to be P.O.O.R:

POOR standing for: passing over opportunities repeatedly. Say it again! Passing over opportunities repeatedly! There are so many times we shy away from opportunity in business: You don’t think you can handle it yet. You don’t think you can afford to perform. You don’t have the right team in place. All are valid concerns, but the opportunities you pass up may never find their way to you again. Stop allowing fear of the unknown dictate your course in business. Sometimes you have to stand on the edge of the cliff and jump off because you believe you can soar. Don’t let opportunity pass you by. Build relationships with people who have traveled your path and see the journey through their eyes. It just may change your perspective.

  • Netweaving not networking

If you change your mindset, you can change your reality. Not everyone is comfortable with networking. So if this is you, stop thinking about it as work. Part of being good at networking is connecting your community with others. If you weave your relationships to make good, quality connections for your community, you are using your network in a positive way and eliminating the pressure associated with engaging in new conversations and taking business cards from strangers and trying too hard to pull opportunities out of a quick chat. 

The best networkers are connectors. They learn about the people they meet: who they are, what they do, why they do it. They take this information and see who they can connect them with to assist with growing their community of connections, and what is returned is more fulfilling than any one-off business deal. 

  • Surround yourself with smart people

My very first employer used to say, “If you sleep with dogs, you wind up with fleas.” You are only as good as the company you keep, so be sure that includes people who can encourage and enhance your life. The best community of people are made up of those who can teach you something you didn’t know. Learning is the cornerstone of success, and if you are surrounding yourself with people you can learn from, you will never be at a loss of reward.

I encourage you all to join an organization that can assist with your growth, both personally and professionally. Find and join groups that represent some facet of your work and connect with fellow members. You get out of it as much as you put in, so be committed to spending time learning and net weaving. I have gained so much from my connections within organizations like Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP). Come and join us at our events in 2023! You can find the calendar of upcoming events on the website. Hope to meet you there!