Every moment is a fresh beginning. ~T.S Eliot

We’ve made it to the end of another trip around the sun. Together. This year has provided Team Parabilis with so many wonderful new connections, partnerships, relationships, and an overwhelming sense of belonging in many communities. A reigning theme in this reflection is that we are truly better together. This theme has been ever-present in so many of the interactions we have had, all over the country, within multiple communities supporting the federal marketplace. Our team has been privileged and proud to share a message of support to all of the small businesses braving this industry. It is our hope that the success you saw this year is ten-fold in the New Year ahead! 

What did we learn?

There are a few important messages that we have learned this year: 

The first is not to count out the little guy. Small businesses are a big deal in government contracting. We have met so many business owners that took a leap of faith and endeavored on a journey that many never see through to the success they had hoped for. Starting your own business is a risk in any industry, but navigating the federal marketplace is unlike anything else. 

Those that succeed understand that in order to get ahead you have to start with a solid foundation of industry knowledge, relationships, and a clear and concise message for your buyer. Just because you are a small business doesn’t mean you can’t win big in this industry. The rewards are high but so are the stakes, so you need to be either all in or out.  

The more you know

What you know and who you know are both equally as important. Just because you are great at something doesn’t equate to success in government contracting. You have to know how, when, and to whom, and in what way you can market that capability. This can be daunting without the proper preparation. Many businesses spend far too long learning the hard way rather than just taking the steps from the beginning to learn the process. It’s no secret that if you learn from someone who knows how things are done, chances are you will go about finding opportunity in a way that leads to an award. Seek out those who know. And if you need recommendations, I am happy to oblige!

Our hope for 2023

We are putting it out into the universe that our hope for the year ahead is to continue to be seen as thought leaders in our industry. We strive to be the best advocate for small and growing government contractors nationwide, and we are grateful for the support from so many of you in this endeavor. Being successful in the federal marketplace ain’t easy. We are proud to lock arms with the business leaders who are working hard every day to make it in this industry. You inspire us to continue to create more quality content that provides access to information and opens doors of opportunities for growth. We encourage you to continue to follow us in the New Year, and we hope to connect with you at our many engagements in 2023! Cheers to our collective success!